About Us
Aether Ecology is an eco-friendly company and we are dedicated to minimising our carbon footprint. We make all efforts to reduce, re-use and recycle wherever possible. This includes sending electronic versions of all correspondence, reports and invoices (unless otherwise requested) which cuts out the need for printing and helps to keep costs low which we then pass on to our clients.
We always strive to put something back into our environment through our work. We strongly support our local Biodiversity Record Centres (BRCs) and wildlife groups and we will endeavour to contribute our ecological findings (subject to client agreement) for education and conservation purposes and Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs). We are also advocates of quelling the illegal wildlife trade, with a particular interest in African rhino and elephants, supporting the Rhino Trust and Space for Giants. We take every opportunity to increase public awareness of our natural surroundings, and we'll happily assist with any general queries about our native wildlife.
Aether Ecology has a team of experienced, dedicated people whose combined knowledge provide a wealth of information you can trust with your project . We undertake projects from the small to the multi-scale, from a single dwelling on a brownfield site to hospitals and universities near protected sites.
Aether Ecology provide professional ecological services aimed at maximising environmental output while minimising project costs. We are dedicated to providing a reliable, efficient and friendly service with a strong commitment to environmental good practice and ecological welfare.
We know every project is unique and will require a personal approach which is why we deal with projects on a site-by-site basis and not a generic approach. This allows us to tailor the required work to provide the most practicable and ecologically sound means of delivering the right outcome for a project.
Guidelines are referred to for best practice methods, however, there is no substitute for experience and as guidelines are for 'guiding'; practicable and innovative solutions are often required which go beyond the writings of a book. Aether Ecology are pro-active in their approach to ecology, looking beyond the norm and thinking outside the box to produce working solutions.
All ecological survey work is carried out under the appropriate guidelines as provided by statutory and non-statutory bodies. These include:
Natural England (NE) or other Statutory Nature Conservation Organisations (SNCOs)
Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).
Mammal Society
Bat Conservation Trust (BCT)
Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC)
British Trust of Ornithology (BTO)